Design and Build (D&B) is an advanced and popular model and has been widely applied to all types of projects in the world. However, to carry out a project in the form of D&B requires the contractor to have certain human capacity and appropriate infrastructure. GPcons has implemented a number of projects following this model and has achieved quite a lot of success as well as good reviews from our customers. GPcons will continue to invest in people and infrastructure to satisfy the customer needs.


Save investment capital: Save costs and minimize problems arising during project implementation.
Time efficiency: Being proactive in design and construction saves a lot of time for the investor.
High quality: Thorough management on the company system, minimizing conflicts leading to problems in projects .
The management process is always improved with a professional, dynamic, enthusiastic and experienced team.

General Contractor

Knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of system construction and management. GPcons has received the cooperation of many customers, becoming a reputable and quality brand for a series of large-scale projects.

As a general construction contractor, GPcons undertakes all foundation work, basement structures, body structures, and completes construction and landscape infrastructure.

Professional team of engineers and staff.
Consulting on construction
Ensure all technical requirements
Effective management model

GPcons Main Activity

Field of activity:

1. Architectural design and planning: general planning design of functional areas for the project, architectural design for all project items, exterior and interior perspective…

2. Designing construction structures and technical infrastructure: designing foundations and structures such as concrete, steel truss systems for factories, offices, roads, drainage, etc.

3. Construction of projects: factories in fields such as food, pharmaceutical factories, veterinary medicine factories, mechanical factories, warehouses, roads, water supply and drainage,…

Field of activity:

4. Consulting and supporting legal procedures: environmental permits, fire protection permits, construction permits, project completion, ownership registration,…

5. Design and construction: green landscape, interior, brand identification advertising signs, waterproofing, heat protection,..

6. Design and construction of air conditioning systems: cooling system, heating system, ventilation system, control system, air filtration system…

7. Design and construction of fire prevention and fighting systems: lightning protection system, fire alarm system, fire water supply system, automatic fire suppression system, fire alarm system, etc.

8. Design and construction of electrical & light electrical systems: power supply system connected to the network, backup power supply, network and communication, security system,…


9. Design and construction of water supply and drainage systems: domestic water supply systems, pipes and equipment, drainage networks, wastewater treatment,…

Safety Culture

Building a culture of labor safety; awareness and action to protect the environment

GPcons is always strongly committed to safety and is a top priority throughout the process of formation and development. To create an environment where compliance with safety rules is a determination to pursue the goal of serving society and serving the community.

Training and coaching process

GPcons always focuses on regularly and continuously maintaining appropriate training programs, schedules on ensuring the safety of life and construction projects depending on the nature and operating environment of the ministries and employees.

Testing and evaluation process

GPcons builds an independent department to conduct periodic or unscheduled inspections and assessments to ensure compliance with labor safety and environmental hygiene rules in all situations. At the same time, build a risk control system as well as reward and punishment regulations to maintain awareness for all officers and employees of GPcons.


GPcons is aiming to build a working environment that always values ​​safety, ensuring health, cohesion, harmony and happiness for each employee.

Ensuring employee satisfaction in the working environment is also one of the top items we aim for.


GPcons continuously improves management processes, applying advances in science and technology to manage and monitor 24/7 production and construction activities. At the same time, provide adequate and necessary equipment and facilities to best serve the construction process and complete the project, ensuring the project is completed safely, with quality and efficiency.

Management System

GPcons have been evaluated and certified by organizations such as: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, etc. This proves that GPcons always provide special attention to quality and performance, safety, environment and management in the construction field.

All GPcons projects comply with Vietnamese law; regulations and commitments to customers; standards and ethics aimed at the goal of serving society and the community as committed.